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Gods Gift Inc Mentoring Program

This school-based bi-weekly prevention program for 6th through 12th-grade girls focuses on building leadership skills and increasing self-esteem by addressing such topics as:​​​


• Faith-Based Life Skills 

• Self-Esteem and Self-Care 

• Goal Setting 

• Substance Abuse 

• Anger Management 

• Relational Aggression / 

   Bullying between girls 

• Intimate Partner Violence / 

   Domestic Violence 

• Healthy Relationships



Sister to Sistah is a diversion program that provides a turning point for young women through interaction with community leaders and other positive role models that help keep them out of the juvenile justice system. 


This 8-week program gives participants (young women ages 12-18) an outlet to openly discuss relevant teen issues including self-esteem, healthy relationships and choices, nutrition, sexual assault, bullying, gang and violence prevention, and goal setting. 


GIRLS ARE REFERRED THROUGH: Florida Department of Juvenile Justice · Mt. Bethel Human Services · Adult and Juvenile Offenders Service


ReadHERS Book Club

ReadHERS Book Club is a virtual book club for middle school girls. Young girls in grades 6th-8th are awarded the opportunity to engage virtually every other Saturday from 9 am-10 am, to lead a discussion on the currently assigned book and become introduced to new topics of life skills through the literature. 


Each week, there are different themes for girls to get creative (crazy hat day, crazy sock day, breakfast in bed, etc.). Currently, participants are located throughout several parts of Florida, including Winter Haven, as well North Carolina and Wisconsin.

Colorful Books

Girls Bible Study (Virtual)

Every Wednesday, girls worldwide are invited 

to join us in our weekly bible study sessions 

from 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm 

(Eastern Standard Time). 


Virtually, young ladies are engaged in 

conversation through the Word of God and

taught life lessons through the scriptures.

Image by Timothy Eberly
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